
Fat Blasting Testimonial

My name is Dan. Before I started training with Jeremy I had about a 10 year slide in health. I put on a lot of unwanted fat from poor nutrition and lack of exercise. I had several injuries such as back, shoulder and wrist which challenged other attempts of getting back in shape. I tried many times on my own but failed miserably and resulted in either quitting with limited results or from further injury. I really wanted to get back in shape but felt hopeless.

I've been working out with Jeremy for three months now. From the beginning I've learned a tremendous amount on how to eat and how to work out and why things work and other things don't. This is info that I can take with me for life. From the first week I felt a boost in energy, confidence and reduced stress greatly. Workouts are short, intense, and challenging. I started doing an half hour twice a week and now three times a week. It's not just hitting the machines. We work with kettle bells, weighted vests, and body resistance to maximize results and keep things fresh. I find workouts challenging both physically and mentally.

Most importantly are the results. In three months I've decreased body fat from 35% to 24.8%. In real terms it shows as 4 inches off of my waist. It also equates as about 20 pounds of fat removed from my body and replaced by 15 pounds of lean muscle tissue. By appearance I look a lot leaner. People think I lost a massive amount of weight. Starting out I was only able to bench press 140lbs twice. Now I am able to bench 200lbs seven times. My cardio health is improved and energy levels are up. I feel I improved my quality and longevity of life. I look forward to continuing to work with Jeremy. More results will follow.

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