
Ab Fat

I am constantly asked "how do I get rid of ab fat?" The answer that I give has always been a combination of intense intervals, strength and proper nutrition.

Exercise should gradually increase in intensity especially in strength and speed. It takes commitment, dedication, hard work and consistency. This is one reason why I recommend Professionals to help you.

To your fit body,



Are You Ready?

This is a question that only you can answer.

When you are ready to change your fitness and health the right people will be there to help.

The first step in any change is a decision to change and then actions to follow through no matter what.

This is not easy stuff but you can change your life through health and fitness.

To a new life,



The Truth about Coffee

Is coffee good or bad? A lot of times it depends on who you ask. If you ask the CEO of Starbucks I bet he says coffee is great:).

There are pros and cons to drinking coffee but it mainly depends on the amount that is drunk. If you Google, "Is coffee good or bad for you" there will be plenty of reading.

My opinion is simple. Coffee in moderation can be drunk and even used to your advantage while exercising. If you have not built up immunity to caffeine, it can be cycled to give you a boost during exercise. The key with caffeine and coffee is moderation.

To your health,



The Muscle Factor

Many people underestimate the importance of building muscle for long term weight loss. In fact, other than nutrition muscle is the single most important for long term weight loss. One pound of muscle burns many more calories than a pound of fat. Although, the exact number depends on the person, it is suffice to say more muscle correlates to less fat. In fact, I believe that most people that add on 5-10lbs of muscle are much more likely to keep the weight off for life. Just remember supportive nutrition is part of the entire equation.

To your fitness success,



Zig Zag Nutrition

So many people seem to eat more and keep the weight off. I believe one reason for this is because of "Zig Zag Nutrition" Basically, a person changes up caloric intake and this increases metabolism. Although, it must be done properly. For further reading please go here or here

To a faster metabolism,



Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

I am asked what supplements to take and here is the answer. In my opinion everyone should take a good quality multivitamin. Fish oil pills and a pre and post workout out drink if the are working out. All of these products can be ordered online through a company I endorse. Here is that link

On the other hand not all supplements are for everyone and I also take a variety of other nutritional supplements. Everyone does have different needs contingent upon different factors.

To a nutritious life,




If you are reading this you may have procrastinated sometime in your life. I know I have. I see it all the time with prospects as well. They might make up other reasons but much of the time it is them procrastinating.

They believe they will do it in the future. When it comes to getting healthy and fit NOW is the time. It does not matter where you are starting from or even where you are going, at least at first. Just get started!

To great success,



Getting Braces is like Getting a Fitness Professional

Some of you reading this might wonder if I am crazy but let me explain. I knew I needed braces for years but had been putting it off. Second, I knew what it cost but did not want to pay for it. Third, I knew that it would be a challenge for me because I like to eat fast (my wife loves my braces) Finally, I knew it would take time for my teeth to look better and I knew it was my last resort. I had tried everything to not get braces.

Getting a fitness Professional is similar. Many people know they need to get a Fit Pro. Many people know the value but put it off. Finally, most people decide, like I did, that it will be worth it.

To your success,




What makes a Fitness Professional so valuable? The number one thing is that they hold people accountable. By hiring a Fitness Professional many variables cause accountability. First, a person is giving money which makes them usually work harder and do everything possible to see results. Second, most people do not want to let themselves down. Third, many people do not want to let others down. Finally, it is much harder to skip out of working out.

Check your accountability! Are you working out on a regular basis? Are you working to your potential? Trust that you will value these things when you make a time and financial commitment to live a healthy and fit life.

To great success,

Jeremy Belter


Client Success

Today I want to talk about some of the success clients have had. I have had people double, triple or even quadruple in strength. One lady lost 35 inches throughout her whole body in a matter of months. Another client lost over 40lbs and went from a size 14 to about a 4. Several clients mentioned that they are the strongest they have ever been while training with me. I am challenging but when you get done with a workout it feels like you have accomplished something. Gradual consistent improvement leads to long term success.

To your success,



Diets Galore

Today there are so many diets. Everywhere you look there is a new trick, idea, and magic something. There are even diet program that are like cults. One in particular has become very powerful and I was frightened when someone told me their story about "diet" that is indeed an occult. Yes it is a subtle cult where people are lured to thinking that starvation is the answer. STARVING IS NOT THE ANSWER to long term weight loss and fitness success. So what is the TRUTH? Here are some keys to a healthy nutritional lifestyle

1. A focus on moderation not deprivation
2. A focus on healthy nutritional foods (fruits, veggies, lean protein)
3. Exercise and an understanding of metabolism
4. A focus on the percentage of fat to muscle ratio more than weight
5. a focus on physical fitness
6. A focus on lifestyle changes not a quick fix
7. A plan that can fit into a reasonable lifestyle

These are just of the few points that I believe in. When thinking about nutrition and permanent weight loss, I believe athletes should be recognized. Muscle needs fuel and your body needs energy. Food then should be looked at for energy, fuel, and maximizing muscle and minimizing fat. Please stay away from starving and focus on moderation.

To a healthy nutritional lifestyle,



Giving Back

I believe in the law of reciprocity and I believe in giving back. Many fitness people are working together to give back. The team is working together to sell fitness and nutrition products on the web. The first one is called 7 Minute Muscle and the second one is called Simply Eat


My Fitness Challenge to You

My challenge is for you to get in better shape, lose weight, and/or become more fit. This is a challenge for you reading this to get in the best shape of your life. Right now you might be thinking about how this is NOT possible. The challenge for YOU reading this is to think about how it is possible. How would that look for you? How would that make you feel? How much value would that add to your life? Would it improve your energy, production and give you a better quality of life?

This is not about magic pills, crazy diets, or quick fixes. It is about you and your fitness improvement. If you are sick and tired of outlandish infomercials, broken promises, or deceptive marketing, you have come to the right place.

From this day on you agree to create the life you want. You will change your way of thinking to become as fit as you can.

You agree to search for the truth about fitness and then follow through with appropriate actions. You might want to get into a routine, learn what to do, lose weight, gain muscle, become more athletic, tone your body, or become a fitness enthusiast. Whatever your fitness aspirations and goals are, lets start the journey today.

*before you start any program please talk with your doctor*


Become Excuseless

Alright, I have heard so many excuses why people cannot get into shape.

1. I can't afford it. Can you afford not to?
2. I don't have time. Can you create time? Are you not making time?
3. I am going to die anyway! Yes this is true and you have the choice to live or die the way you want.
4. I have a slow metabolism. Here is what mayo clinic says about a slow metabolism
5. I cannot help it is my genetics. Here is another article to read
"Although there are genetic and hormonal influences on body weight, ultimately excess weight is a result of an imbalance of calories consumed versus calories burned through physical activity. If you consume more calories than you expend through exercise and daily activities, you gain weight. Your body stores calories that you don't need for energy as fat."

These are just a few of the excuses that people have for not losing weight, making a lifestyle change, and becoming more fit. The good news is there are so many professionals out there to help. Find the support you need and make a commitment to change. If you follow through you will not regret it.

You can do it,



Keep It Simple

Today so many people are confused about how to get in better shape and improve their health. One thing that can happen is a person might be told by the doctor to lose weight. So what will they do? They end up on a diet. People that go on diets go off diets. My main objective is to teach people how to eat better and how to support their fitness goals. Keep it simple

1. Eat less processed foods
2. Eat more fruits, veggies, and lean proteins
3. Try not to over analyze things
4. Find an exercise routine that works and add variety
5. Make lifestyle changes
6. Try to improve on a weekly basis for one year and you not regret it
7. Focus on small positive changes not short term miracles

To your lifestyle improvements,



Is Supplementation Beneficial?

So many people question the benefits of supplementation. I don't blame you every day there appears to be a new "miracle" supplement. There are a few things to understand about supplementation. First, there is no magic pill or anything that standing alone can get you in better shape. Ask yourself, "who sees the most benefits from Supplementation?" In my opinion it is athletes because they have a sound nutrition and exercise program. Lets go over the facts

1. Supplements do just that supplement your nutrition
2. If your nutrition and lifestyle is terrible supplementation will help, but try to change other areas as well then your improvements will be even greater
3. Not all supplements are beneficial to you
4. Some supplements can be harmful especially when not taken properly
5. Supplements are not FDA approved because they are not a food or drug.
6. Proper supplementation can be beneficial but not as beneficial as doing better at all three (nutrition, supplementation, exercise)

To your fitness lifestyle,



Problems or Opportunities

When it comes to life everyone has problems and how we deal with these problems determines the quality of our lives. So many people wish for less problems versus looking at them as opportunities.

What does this have to do with fitness? Well as soon as something goes wrong we stop with our fitness goals, or we wait for the perfect time to get in shape. For example, I hear this one all the time "I am going to get in better shape before I start training." Wrong answer!!! The right answer would be "because I have gotten out of shape (the problem), I need to start with a fitness professional (opportunity to get in the best shape of your life)."

Overcome your obstacles and wish for more answers. Learn from problems and turn them into opportunities. I believe the more challenging a person's problems the greater their success in life.

To creating opportunities,



Goal Setting

When it comes to fitness and life in general goal setting is crucial. So many people today do not have goals, have lost track of their goals, or just simply do not know how to set goals. I sit down with people and go over goals on a regular basis and here are 5 bad goals and then I will write down 5 great goals.

1. I want to lose weight
2. I want to get stronger
3. I would like to make more money
4. I want to be healthy

Here are goals that follow the same lines as the one above with much better clarity and focus.

1. I am going to lose 20lbs in 3 months through proper nutrition and exercise.
2. I will be able to do 10 push ups on my toes with perfect form in three months.
3. I will increase my net income by 20% by the end of this year
4. In the next six months I will decrease my body fat percentage by 6% and will drop at least two pant sizes. I will double my strength and learn 3 new techniques for managing stress and then follow through with them. I am going to exercise 2-4 times per week for the rest of my life with continual improvement.

These are just a few examples and do not represent any specific person. Here are some important guidelines for your goals.

1. Write them down
2. Be specific and make some challenging and some easy
3. Make them attainable.
4. Write them in a positive way
5. Update them and look at them on a regular basis
6. Make them important to you (making a sculpture would not inspire me changing peoples lives through fitness is much more inspiring to me)
7. Action is most important (you can want to get in great shape but if you do not exercise it will not happen)
8. Make the process fun and learn from your mistakes