
Controversial Topic

Is being fat genetic? Nope, sorry! Ok maybe 1-5% I am always amazed at the slow metabolism myth or the genetic myth. The truth is that obesity is an environmental influence. Even Mayo states clinic states "A low metabolic rate is unlikely to cause obesity."

Causation versus correlation is what is important here. Example if someone notices an obese child and also obese parents, that person might say "they have bad genes." What is the reality and truth though? Most of the time being overweight is a person's environment not their genetics. Just because there is a correlation among overweight parents and overweight children does not mean genetics causes them to be overweight.

In my opinion, environment and how we treat the body is the number one cause of obesity. Trust me I understand how environment can influence a person's health. If you went to college and had "environmental fun" you know what I am talking about:)

The great news is we can control our environment. We can control how we treat our bodies and most importantly we can look and feel great.

To a great environment,



Fitness in the Fast Lane

If you are like me time is of great value to you. Some of you might not like to here this next part, but the truth is I do not think you need hours of exercise a day. In fact, I believe in "intensity over time." A shameless plug is that I am offering the "Fat Blasting Boot Camps" that focus on intensity over time so you can receive fast, quick, and effective workouts. If you are a busy mom, business person, or executive these camps are for you. For more information go here

The truth of the matter is that to much cardio can burn lean muscle tissue instead of burning fat. What was that? Yes you can lose lean muscle tissue if you do to much cardio and are not eating properly. I avoid that by using three pronged approach of balanced nutrition, intense short intervals, and finally strength. Unless you are competing in long distance events "intensity over time" is where it is at!

To fast fitness,



Are You a Dreamer?

Have you ever been called a dreamer? I know that in the past I have been called a dreamer. The truth is I believe that dreams can be thought of as challenging goals.

One challenging goal for me is to get Milwaukee to become more fit. For more people to take my challenge and to learn how to get in better shape. You see you can get in the best shape of your life or accomplish any other dream if you take action.

Take control and start now! To see how my clients are taking control, you can read these testimonials and get started by going here

Turn your dreams into reality,



Fat Blasting Testimonial

My name is Dan. Before I started training with Jeremy I had about a 10 year slide in health. I put on a lot of unwanted fat from poor nutrition and lack of exercise. I had several injuries such as back, shoulder and wrist which challenged other attempts of getting back in shape. I tried many times on my own but failed miserably and resulted in either quitting with limited results or from further injury. I really wanted to get back in shape but felt hopeless.

I've been working out with Jeremy for three months now. From the beginning I've learned a tremendous amount on how to eat and how to work out and why things work and other things don't. This is info that I can take with me for life. From the first week I felt a boost in energy, confidence and reduced stress greatly. Workouts are short, intense, and challenging. I started doing an half hour twice a week and now three times a week. It's not just hitting the machines. We work with kettle bells, weighted vests, and body resistance to maximize results and keep things fresh. I find workouts challenging both physically and mentally.

Most importantly are the results. In three months I've decreased body fat from 35% to 24.8%. In real terms it shows as 4 inches off of my waist. It also equates as about 20 pounds of fat removed from my body and replaced by 15 pounds of lean muscle tissue. By appearance I look a lot leaner. People think I lost a massive amount of weight. Starting out I was only able to bench press 140lbs twice. Now I am able to bench 200lbs seven times. My cardio health is improved and energy levels are up. I feel I improved my quality and longevity of life. I look forward to continuing to work with Jeremy. More results will follow.


Your Fitness Potential

Unless you have a medical issue, most average people can get very fit. I have seen it happen for the average person. They have the desire and are willing to pay the price. They start working and never give up. What is your Fitness Potential? Are you there now? Here are three easy steps to get started...

Decide what you want
Gradually and continually improve
Never give up

If you take those three steps into your lifestyle, you will do unbelievable. The shameless plug is to hire a fitness professional to help. They can increase the intensity, make you accountable, make it fun, and ultimately improve your results!

To your fitness,



My Motivation

I am constantly asked "Jeremy what is your motivation?" My motivation is my faith, wanting to make this world a better place, a genuine desire to help others, to be unique, and to be the best that I can be. This is continual process.

When it comes to fitness I know the psychological, emotional, and physical changes a person goes through. I know how great this feels, and I want you to experience the same changes. There it is short and simple. What is your motivation and how can you use that to get in better shape?

Have a great Sunday,



Secrets to Weight Loss

One thing I have learned as a Fitness Professional is those that succeed are consistent. They workout on a regular basis and do this for a consistent amount of time. They also work out with increasing intensity until they reach their goal. For other weight loss tips I like this blog

To long term weight loss,



The Pumpkin Workout

Today the boot camp workout was done with pumpkins. Sort of funny but effective! What you use for resistance is not always relevant. The ladies not only got a great workout, they received a pumpkin as well. If you do a Google search for pumpkin workouts you will find this is a great way to workout.

To your success,




I am the drill instructor for early morning boot camps in Brookfield, Wisconsin. If you are female in the Brookfield area I recommend you try a camp and see how one camper has lost 19 inches in just a few camps. Challenge yourself to do what it takes to see great results.

To your results,



The Magic Solution

I am always asked what is the solution for fat loss especially in the midsection. Well the truth is I have the Magic Solution

1. Proper nutrition
2. Build lean muscle tissue
3. Incremental increase in strength and endurance
4. Consistent and continuous effort

There you have the Magic Solution to your long term weight loss efforts. By the way talking about it is much easier than the follow through. If you want some ideas about nutrition you can go to a company I endorse here

To a tone and lean body,



Another Diet Fallacy

The question in this article is "does calorie restriction lead to longer life?" There are a few things to remember here. If you eat less, you will lose weight in the short term, but you might gain weight in the long term. On the other hand, constant caloric restriction will lead to a slow metabolism and many other side effects. So what is the answer to long term weight loss?

In my opinion it take a faster metabolism through proper nutrition, intense workouts, as much lean muscle as you can get, and a lifestyle of moderation. Eat healthy, get stronger, get moving, eat often, and live with passion!

To a new you,



The No Pain No Gain Myth

Myth: That pain will help you gain or improve your fitness level.

Fact: Although some muscle soreness is to be expected, you should not be sore for more than a couple days. If you are sore for more than a couple days, you most likely over did it. Workouts should be progressive and increasingly challenging, but please start slow and gradually improve. If you experience pain during an exercise you should stop the exercise and find an alternative. If the pain is consistent you should seek the advice of a doctor.

To gradual improvement,



The Diet Myth

Myth - You have to diet by eating less for LONG TERM WEIGHT LOSS!

Fact - You have to learn good nutrition and make lifestyle changes. When you eat right you should never be hungry. You see most people do not eat often enough. What happens after that? They crave bad foods and will eat whatever they can. Eat more often and you will reap the benefits.

Myth - There is one best nutrition plan for everyone.

Fact - I know many healthy and fit people, and each eats differently. The fact is although there are some definitive truths about nutrition not everyone will or even should eat exactly the same.

To your success,



The Time Myth

Myth - Getting in great shapes takes too much time

Fact - Getting in great shape takes time, but no more than 4 to 5% of the time available to you In some cases less than that and in some a little more. These number are based on working out five days a week for one hour.

I know there are plenty of busy people out there and your time is important. I have noticed those that get in better shape tend to get more done in less time. Please create the time to exercise by getting in a daily routine or even every other day.

Take time for you,



The Abs Myth

Myth - Crunches and other ab work gets rid of ab fat.

Fact - The fact is you need to get rid of fat in your whole body. You can never get rid of fat in one area. This is knows as spot reducing. Ab work strengthens the muscles but does not magically make fat disappear. You must follow the fitness triangle. The fitness triangle is cardio, strength training, and nutrition.

Myth - Long bouts of cardio is best for LONG TERM WEIGHT LOSS

Fact - Consistent gradual lifelong improvements in strength, interval training and nutritional lifestyle changes are the keys to long term weight loss.

To gradual improvements,



Fitness Myths

This week lets look at two fitness myths per day.

Myth - Long term weight loss is easy.

Fact - The fact is long term weight loss takes planning, effort, support, and more. Quick weight loss can be much easier, but usually you do not want to lose weight fast. The reason is slow and steady weight loss is usually more long term.

Myth - Lifting weights will make you bulky.

Fact - Lifting weights can increase lean muscle tissue but the reduction in fat will actually make you smaller. Fat takes up more space than muscle.

To your success,



The Next Fitness Craze

This article discusses boot camps as the next fitness craze! What is the truth about boot camps? In my opinion they will continue to grow and will stay around. I do not think it is just a craze but more of an efficient, effective fitness solution.

On the other hand, one on one training and smaller groups are not going to dissipate into thin air. My advice weigh the positives of each and then decide. I know many that use both forms at different times. Try different things get out there and get results!

To great results,



Becoming Fit Like A Child

Have you ever wondered why some children are so thin/lean? For example, my 9 year old nephew has eaten the biggest bag of popcorn at a theater... BY THE END OF THE MOVIE! After doing research on the net that is 1500 to 2000 calories.

How does he stay very fit? It comes down to activity level but also how they eat. For example, most times children that are thin do not over eat they will stop, and then eat a few hours later. It seems they are eating all day long but never really eat a lot at any one time. In my opinion eating often with high activity levels are they keys for children staying thin.

To a lean life,



Finance and Fitness

As everyone knows the economy is not the best right now. For many people that means that they are thinking of stopping their fitness routine. BUT WHY?

Many people can cut back in other areas of life and save. Boot Camps and small group classes are very reasonable in price and high in value. For example, one or two nights at a restaurant could pay for one month of boot camp/group training.

Secondly, I believe and studies are showing that better health and fitness leads to a decrease in lifelong health care costs.

Thirdly, it is an investment in yourself. Remember value is added for what you get and you are worth it.

If you get a chance I like Dave Ramsey's plan.

To your success,



An Impressive Fitness Mom

Today as I was driving back from my boot camp when I saw one of my old campers running outside. That is what fitness is all about.

She is dedicated to working out early in the morning. She is a mother and has a full time career, but she still makes time for exercise. I was smiling ear to ear because I am in this business for you to see results and make a commitment to lifestyle changes!

In this world action equates to rewards and when your in doubt about what action to take... Here is a secret just take action!

To all the fitness moms,



The Lemonade Diet

You have to be kidding me! There are so many quick fixes out there and let me tell you most are detrimental. If you starve the body you will lose weight but only temporarily. Food should be used as fuel, for energy, for building lean muscle tissue, and for health. All these quick fix, fad diets have caused serious problems. Please stay clear of them

To healthy nutrition,



"Fireproof" Your Fitness

With all the hype of the movie Fireproof, I thought this would be a good topic. By the way, if you get a chance, please watch this movie. I thought it was awesome but you will have to judge that for yourself.

Like life you will have ups and downs when it comes to your health and fitness. Remember this is a lifestyle and it takes dedication, commitment, and work but I believe you can do it!

You might ask well "how do I fireproof my Fitness and Health"? First you must become educated with health and fitness, then set realistic and challenging goals with a definitive time frame. After that take action! Is it really that simple? YES but remember knowing what to do and doing it are two very different things. Follow through is key.

Go here to get started with exercise http://myhitechtrainer.com/fitness4u/ and here to get started with nutrition.

"Fireproof" your fitness and health,



The Fitness Broken Heart

Fitness Professionals around the United States want to change people.

The issue is some never change. It breaks my heart when others do not see results, but it is amazing when people do change.

When people change their thinking and move into action people do flourish.

It is especially amazing when a person makes permanent lifestyle changes, loses weight, and becomes a happier, healthier person.

Chose to change your life today through health and fitness, you will never regret it.

To your happiness,



The Fitness Business

Some people are curious why I got into the fitness business. Well there are three basic reasons

1. I have always wanted to help people on a deep level
2. I wanted to do something that I am good at
3. I wanted to be passionate about my business

It is that simple. There are other careers that fit this bill, but none like this business does. Truth be told, fitness is not always fun and games!

Many people fail because they do not treat it like a business. When it comes to myself, there is no greater feeling then when someone changes his/her life through fitness.

What does this have to do with you? I am always trying to learn new ways to help clients/customers learn how to see results. Continuing education, consistent reading, and investing in products/services are just a few of the ways that I help you get results.

To a new life,



The Supplement Maze

Almost everyone asks me what supplements they should take? Well the first answer is it really depends on what you are doing.

On the other hand, I believe everyone should be taking a multivitamin, fish oil pills, and meal replacement bars/shakes.

I have teamed up with this company so you can easily get all three here.

To a fit life,
