
How Can You Lose Weight Forever?

I am constantly asked "how can I keep the weight off forever?"

First let me tell you the wrong answers in my opinion
1. More cardio with restrictive dieting is not the right answer
2. Dieting is not the answer
3. Taking Supplements is not the answer
4. Eating just cottage cheese only is not the answer (yes this has been done before)
5. Never eating a "bad food" again is not the answer
6. Working on your abs, albeit important, is not the answer.
7. Spending hours on cardio equipment is frustrating and not the answer

In my opinion long term weight loss comes down to this
1. More strength for lean muscle tissue
2. Cardio intervals only
3. Short Intense workouts at your level with increasing intensity
4. A nutritional plan where you get enough protein, enough good carbs, enough good fats and moderation in all the other bad foods.

There you have it.

Blast Fat,


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