
About Me About You

This blog posts serves two purposes.

First for you to get to know me.

Second for me to get to know you.

About me:

1. I am a Christian and my faith is very important to me.
2. I talk about fitness all the time and truly am passionate about my career.
3. I want to help as many people as possible get fit, lose fat, and stay fit and healthy for as long as possible.
4. I love reading and learning about fitness, business, finance, and self improvement.
5. I am a coach, mentor, guide not a peppy cheerleader, or a screamer.
6. I judge others by actions more than by words and expect a lot of my clients/campers/customers.
7. I sincerely want to get rid of fitness myths and lies and bring the TRUTH ABOUT FITNESS (as I see it) to you!
8. I am happily married.
9. Although they are somewhat crazy I love my family:)
10. I want to make my business grow because than I can help more people and do more good for society.

1. You want to be one or more of these. You want to be more fit, lose weight, increase metabolism, or just get started on a program.
2. You may have tried gimmicks and tricks that have not worked with weight loss or general fitness.
3. You want more energy and are busy.
4. You do not know what to believe because there are so many different opinions in fitness
5. You are most likely between 28 and 48.
6. You are familiar with blogging and might have a blog of your own. If you do follow me and I follow you.
7. You might be searching for the right fit with a fitness professional and I hope you can give me that opportunity.

Let me know if I am write on with you or if I am way off.


Jeremy Belter


Anonymous said...
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Rommel Acda said...

Jeremy, thanks for visiting my blog. I have to agree that we're like minded in our approaches. Like the setup of your blog, and I'd like to pick your brain about your bootcamp. Are you a member of the the Bootcamp Blueprint, and PersonalTrainerU?

- Rommel Acda
